
本次更新將轉往支援FTBStoneBlock3v1.5.0,.還在遊玩1.4.2或1.4.3的朋友們小心不要下載錯了喔。更新紀錄 ...,許多模組包已經發布,並已更新到Minecraft的1.4、1.5、1.6、1.7和1.8版本。FTBLauncher上的所有模組包都可以在模組包頁面上找到。FTB模組包中包含的模組可以在 ...,這發生在被破解的FTB登入器上.因為1.4.3版啟動器不支援Minecraft1.7.10下的包.直到FTBLauncher1.4.5板才支援.3.atcom.mojang.util.UUIDTypeAdapter.fro...

【釘宮翻譯組】FTB StoneBlock 3 只有石頭的世界3 模組包中文化 ...

本次更新將轉往支援FTB StoneBlock 3 v1.5.0,. 還在遊玩1.4.2 或1.4.3 的朋友們小心不要下載錯了喔。 更新紀錄 ...


許多模組包已經發布,並已更新到Minecraft 的1.4、1.5、1.6、1.7 和1.8 版本。 FTB Launcher 上的所有模組包都可以在模組包頁面上找到。 FTB 模組包中包含的模組可以在 ...


這發生在被破解的FTB登入器上. 因為1.4.3版啟動器不支援Minecraft 1.7.10下的包. 直到FTB Launcher 1.4.5板才支援. 3.at com.mojang.util.UUIDTypeAdapter.fromUUID ...

FTB Launcher Download

You can download FTB Launcher for free to get access to the features described. Each user can build their perfect game without leaving the program.

FTB App: Changes

Version 1.4.0 of the App brings FTB Backups 2 integration, a new pack actions button for quick actions, and a complete rewrite of pack searching.

FTB Ultimate Reloaded

FTB Ultimate Reloaded is one of our lighter 1.12.2 modpacks based around the original Ultimate that was released on Minecraft 1.4.7 over 5 years ago.


Our extensive array of modpacks caters to nearly every taste, ranging from Skyblocks to wild nether-based adventures to hardcore expert progression packs. FTB Evolution · FTB NeoTech · FTB Revelation · FTB OceanBlock

Install old FTB (with old Thaumcraft etc) : rfeedthebeast

The FTB launcher (though technically deprecated) still has the old 1.4.7 and 1.5.4 packs that were popular. Those are likely where you want ...

Download old FTB modpacks? (1.4.7-1.6.4) : rfeedthebeast

Prism launcher usually works for me. On their import packs section there is an ftb legacy tab where you can select the old packs.

Minecraft -

這篇文章我是來教大家如何使用FTB並遊玩有Crash Landing模組包的Minecraft. 對最近Crash Landing很紅因為這模組包很豐富很刺激很吃生存這個部分.